Welcome to

Lothbury Lodge No 3612


Lothbury Lodge was consecrated in 1912, it is a Masonic Lodge under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England and the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London.


since 26th September 1912

History of the Lodge

Sir Edward Letchworth F.S.A.

At 5:30pm, on Thursday, 26th September 1912, the Grand Secretary of England, Sir Edward Letchworth, F.S.A. entered the Zetland Room at Freemasons’ Hall, accompanied by:

  • VW Bro J Stephens – President of the Board of Benevolence
  • W Bro C F Quicke – Past Grand Superintendent of Works
  • VW Bro Rev H W Turner, M.A. – Past Grand Chaplain
  • W Bro J S Granville Grenfell, M.A. – Grand Director of Ceremonies
  • W Bro A Higgins – Grand Pursuivant

and proceeded to Consecrate the Lodge. Having celebrated our 100th anniversary in 2012, Lothbury Lodge has lived through times of great change in history, having begun during the days of the Titanic, and living through the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the writing days of Irving Fisher & John Maynard Keynes, World War 1 & 2, right through to modern times.

The lodge is traditional and has members from all corners of the globe, historically it was formed as the lodge for bank managers and directors of Barclays Bank and their sons, and thus it has a heritage in banking and finance. This was the case until the late 1970’s at which point it opened the membership to members from other professions while maintaining its rich heritage as a lodge for financial services professionals.

In contemporary times, we boast of a diverse membership of men of all ages, ethnicities, religions, and professional backgrounds. All whilst maintaining common values and a shared commitment to the craft. We pride ourselves on the friendship displayed among members, our enjoyment of meetings and our dedicated support for Charitable Appeals over the years.

Whether you are a Freemason or not, please browse our website to find out more information on both Lothbury Lodge and Freemasonry.

Get In Touch

You can contact our Lodge Secretary by using the contact form below.   

Lothbury Lodge N° 3612

Lodge Secretary


Membership Officer